Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father’s (and Daughter’s) Day

The Date: Several Sundays throughout my childhood

The Place: Washington, D.C., and its surrounding areas

The Event: A family gathering

The Scene: The men are in the living room watching football; the women have migrated to the kitchen. I was the one interloper, sitting on my father’s lap, asking him questions about the Redskins. What’s all the screaming about? How was the game played? What was going on? Why did it matter so much to the men in the room? My father never shooed me away or sent me off to my mother’s side. Instead, he plopped me on his lap and taught me the rules.

It was my springboard to becoming a sportswriter. Later, my older brother would continue the tradition, teaching me the ins and outs of sports. I became a sportswriter through the support of my father and brother.

Today, I salute both of these men, these fathers, on Father’s Day.

And because I believe the old adage goes both ways … behind every woman, there’s also a good man (or two).


Anonymous said...

It's great to hear about fathers being inspiring. We always hear about mothers. This is a nice change of pace.

Anonymous said...

Fathers, always know you are appreciated, even when life refuses to slow down enough for you to realize it. From one dad to the rest of us, I hope on Father's Day that, most of all, you really FELT it. If not then, the next day. It's never too late. Just ask our daughters and sons.

Anonymous said...

very nice.