Wednesday, April 16, 2008

AO and Sid the Kid

Do the NHL playoffs need Alexander Ovechkin—one of a handful of young, marquee players? Well, if the Caps don’t make a quick fix, the playoffs will continue without him. The Caps are trailing the Flyers in their first-round playoff series, and they appear to be off their game. The Caps’ absence—AO’s absence-- shouldn’t be a big deal, right? After all, the playoffs have been without the Caps (with or without AO) for the past five years. Who’s gonna miss them?

Well, if you believe the marketing hype, the NHL will.

Without AO, that will leave Sid the Kid and a host of other veterans to carry the weight of a shaky league.

In my opinion, playoff hockey can’t be beat. Even without Sid and AO, that fact still stands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AO and the Caps are still alive. WOO-HOO!!! Go Caps.