A-Rod got it right. When he decided to apologize, he made the right move both personally and professionally. If you buy into the Court Of Public Opinion (COPO)--by the way, I don't--then A-Rod has played this perfectly.
Let's review:
Andy Pettitte. He apologized as soon as pitchers and catchers got to camp in 2008. By the time the rest of the team showed up, his ordeal was in the rearview mirror.
Jason Giambi. He was a tattletale and a cheat and somehow came out with a shine.
Barry Bonds. Legally, an alleged cheat. According to COPO, a definitive cheat. If found guilty, dragging out his denial will have added to COPO's inability to begin the process of forgiveness--if it ever forgives him.
Roger Clemens. See Barry Bonds.